Old wastewater treatment plant

Tour takes 60 minutes

1 hour | Tour


Explore the premises of the former wastewater treatment plant. Visitors will see the original premises with the remains of the original technological equipment - both for the own wastewater treatment and related operations (e.g. sludge management) and for ensuring the propulsion of machines (steam engine room and boiler room). We recommend good footwear and warmer clothing to visitors even in the summer months.

During the visit you will also see copies of the original plans and historical photographs from the construction of the treatment plant. Part of the tour route is also a film documentary from 1943. During each tour, visitors will pass through the original sewer (now non-functional). For those deeply interested in the history of technical buildings and especially Prague's sewage system, there is also a historical film documentary Men below Prague from 1947.

Additional tours for extra fee:

„The Převozníkův pram“ ferry cruise: Additionally, you can experience ride with a vessel weighing 1,5 tons and installed in one of the sedimentation tanks located underground in the Old Wastewater Treatment Plant. The cruise is a truly exceptional experience. Plexiglas windows are placed in the part of the floor, thanks to which you can see the surface below you during the cruise.

Climbing the ventilation shaft: Additionally, you can also experience climbing the ventilation shaft is one of the other unusual experiences we offer at the Old Wastewater Treatment Plant. The climb can be made at any time, day or night, but is not suitable to implement it in rainy weather and frost. Can be ordered either as part of a tour or separately. It is possible to have your photo taken at the top of the chimney. The age limit is set at 18 years, while exit is possible from 10 years only with the consent of the legal representative.
